Monthly Archives: March 2011

Opiate of the Intelligentsia

This post is a coalescence of a discussion I had with my friend Nick over Facebook status updates. I thought it worthwhile to share the outcome of the discussion. Recently, Jon Stewart did his piece “I give up” on the fact that while the conservative political machine has been painting the public workers (like teachers

Truth Values… a play

I had an enjoyable evening yesterday all thanks to a fabulous performance by Gioia De Cari  Truth Values: One Girl’s Romp Through M.I.T.’s Male Math Maze. It is an autobiographical account of Gioia’s years as a doctoral student in the Math department at MIT. The performance was a part of MIT’s 150th anniversary celebration. Gioia is

A side effect of moral waiver

As early as 2006, the US military started falling short on it’s recruitment numbers, but they made the target recruitment numbers and more. Obviously, with two wars to participate in, meeting this goal was imperative. But in doing so, they had to cut corners. The military started recruiting people with criminal backgrounds including murderers by

The emperor is naked and even he concedes it

The US has started its military offensive against Libya. Incidentally, the latter is an oil rich country ruled by a dictator who is not America’s puppet. Sound familiar? Hint: 1991 and 2003. In fact, the whole offensive has bipartisan support. So it’s fair to say that there are very few within the government (including the