Tag Archives: religion

Organized Religion – A Perspective

After writing abt my experience with preachers in the previous post, I kinda figured it would make sense if I wrote about what I think of organized religion. At the risk of pissing people off, I am being candid here. I use the term ‘organized religion’ in the same tenor as ‘organized crime’. There is

Apparently, I am going to hell :)

The day was pleasent and I had a couple of hours between classes. So did what I usually do, siting on a bench near the fountain opposite the Chemistry Department with a godd book in hand. It had been about 20 minutes and I see two kids, not over 20, walking towards me. I knew

Rediscovering Religion

meenakshi temple My visit to Meenakshi Temple in Houston was an interesting experience in more ways than one. For starts, it was the first time that I actually went out on a joyride with people I have known for over a semester, and I realized how little I really knew them. But far more interesting

Cultural Indoctrination

Everyone of us is a part of the cultural fabric that weaves into the communal identity of our society. We may adore it, hate it, accept it, try hard to shake it but the fact remains that we are still a part of it, and more importantly, it is a part of us. It’s not