Tag Archives: musing


Had a rude wake up call today morning. It was neither the phone, nor the alarm. it was a dream. A crazy one at that. I am not going to go into the details of it coz I hardly remember it myself, besides my intention to write this blog is to keep you folks interested,

Sex, Drugs and Rock-n-Roll

Just got off the newspaper with a small news item that Diana Ross was jailed for drunken driving. That set me thinking on the how the world of music has transformed beyond recognition over the decades. It’s been a long way from the Beatles to Darkness. I guess it all started with flower power and

Cultural preconditioning and natural instincts

A colleague of mine made some really ridiculous statements and we dismissed him as a retard, but he did have some points worth pondering about. It all started off on my hair, and why I am not planning to cut it. We then talked about the natural ornaments of animals like the hair around the