Tag Archives: US

Glenn Beck’s US health care vs. Indian health care

If you needed any evidence at all to convince you that Glenn Beck is an insightful journalist with untarnished ethos, he provides a new one everyday on his self-titled Faux News program. Here is his new one reflecting his acumen on understanding of the health care systems in India and the US.

Applying for a PhD: Looking for the right US school

This post is supposed to be a guide to students who are looking to the schools in the USA for PhD. My only authority on the subject matter is that I am currently doing a PhD myself, and in the six years I have spent in the program and the system, and talked to several

The United States of socialism

The nationalization of Freddie Mac and Fanny May marks a major shift in the US policy of free-market, deregulated economy (to a more socialist policy), or does it? With my rant against the the bailout out of the way, lets see if this really is something different that the US government has had to do

Paying for someone else’s mortgage

Last week, the US government took control over Freddie Mac and Fanny May, the financial gaints of the US martage industry (and the crisis). Now this puts the US government in control of nearly half of the $12tn mortgage debt in the US (The two companies have lent or underwritten about $5.3 trillion mortgage debt